Thursday, December 25, 2008

melli quikmus

last night, mom and i went to the midnight mass at st joseph church. that is the church we normally go for our weekly mass. the mass only started at midnight, hence it is the midnight mass! hahahaha..... anyway, in order to get a good spot, we were there around 10.15pm and the church was already 40% full. that's the kiasu-ness of kuching people, including myself! hahahaha.....

many christmas songs were sung, could see kids with santa clause hats, even some grandmas had that too! hahahaha...... many people were having their compact cameras with them, mine was sleeping at home. i should have brought it! arghhh......! otherwise, i could have posted some photos of the night. oh well, next year i will bring.....

the mass was celebrated by His Grace, Archbishop John Ha and we were all reminded to always follow God's path in our christian's life.

the mass ended with the song "joy to the world" and "feliz navidad". people were giving each other christmas wishes, christmas hugs, christmas kisses and peace..... but later, i could see people not wanting to give ways to cars. that's "peace be with you" in the church, but not out of the church! so fake!

anyway, wishing all my friends a blessed and joyous christmas and may God's love and blessing be with you all, now and always.

melli quikmus!



  1. It's Xmas Eve here ... just back home from Mass too. Wish we could be going to church for Xmas Mass together some day ...

    Here's a line from a xmas song ...

    "Christmas Eve will find me ... where the love light beams ... I'll be home for Christmas ... if only in my dreams"

    Cheers, Bunny


  2. We went to the midnite mass here in sri aman (as you know here's where i celebrate xmas this year) and i saw a lot of new faces in the church. they put up a spectacular 24-feet christmas tree - which i didn't manage to take any photo of cuz none of us brought a camera. there was this very 'ambitious' choir group consists of very young people playing almost every xmas songs i know my entire life...then there was a moment when lights were switched off and everyone had a piece of lit candle in our hand as we sang Silent Night. it went on and on as the choir singers started singing the spanish version of it. Unbelievable. That was the moment so sentimental that i forgot to put off my candle when everyone else had done so!
    oh by the way, we went to the church of Our Lady Queen of Peace. quite a different and unique name for a catholic church as compared to the names of St Joseph, St Stephen and so on. as we went out of the church as the mass ended, it was no more a Silent Night. a heavily tinted kancil still in the church parking began to have one of those very loud blast of nonsense he called music; and seemed not to mind at all the people who looked disapprovingly.


  3. Merry Blessed & Peaceful Christmas to you and your family, Piggy!

    Yeah, one day, I will celebrate white Christmas out of Malaysia :o)

    Keller, Merry Christmas to you and hubby and family! Wow! THe celebration in Sri Aman sure sounded better than what I had here in St Joe! I had wished the choir could have sung more Christmas songs :o)

    See you back in office soon! Take care!
