Saturday, December 20, 2008

the beginning

i have always wanted to start a blog, however, i was too lazy to even start one!

lately, i reconnected with a person that i knew last year. we sort of lost contact in between and started to correspond recently. he writes blogs and i really enjoy reading his entries. i have read all his entries, first time ever i read all entries of any bloggers. that's where i get my inspiration and motivation. thank you chong!

keep my fingers crossed that i will have enough inspiration and motivation to write!



  1. welcome to the world of blogging !! You are doing great so far. Keep it up. :-)

  2. hey!!! You finally did it!! Don't worry about things to write becoz Mr. Ciaklat will support you kau kau lat!!!

  3. Wow! All the "Sifu" gave me such a big encouragement! Thank you all so much! I will continue with this newly found interests!

    Chong: Thank you for the inspiration!

    Allan & Phyllis: Thank you for letting me be part of your lives in NZ

    Bernard: Thank you for the KAU LAT support!

