Sunday, April 12, 2009

rejoice! rejoice!

today, for the first time, i celebrated easter with a bunch of kids from the sunday school!

parents were asked to prepare a simple dish for the simple easter celebration. we had fried noodle, fried beehoon, chicken curry, sandwiches, sausages, chicken nuggets, cakes, puffs, fries, biscuits, crackers, and the cannot-be-missed easter eggs!

it was real fun to celebrate easter with a bunch of noisy kids. when i took out my camera, they all shunned me! however, i still managed to snap a few photos of them :o)

happy easter, everyone! may His resurrection bring peace, love and hope to all!


  1. hey! nice pictures....wat software do you use to edit them???

    tolong ajar la cikgu!


  2. I used Picasa, a free-download-able software and from there, I used the "Collage" feature to make them into this collage ;-)
